Interns: Mentoring and Counseling on the Software Development Process


  • Rizdania Rizdania Country of Rizdania Rizdania Universitas PGRI Wiranegara Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Sapto Hadi Riono Country of Sapto Hadi Riono Universitas PGRI Wiranegara Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Puji Utami Rakhmawati Country of Puji Utami Rakhmawati Universitas PGRI Wiranegara Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Rani Darmayanti Country of Rani Darmayanti Yayasan Assyfa Learning Centre Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia


Digital Transformation, Internship Program, Software Development


The Digital Transformation Services Internship Program at PT Arkatama Multi Solusindo aims to provide opportunities for intern students to develop themselves through direct experience in real projects. With a comprehensive learning approach, interns are given the flexibility to choose positions according to their interests, such as UI/UX designer, Web Developer, and others. This program not only focuses on developing technical skills but also emphasises moral education and professional ethics. Intern students will be involved in prototyping and follow the development process from planning to implementation. The results of their work are documented through logbooks and final reports, building a valuable portfolio. The internship is carried out on-site according to health protocols at PT Arkatama Multi Solusindo, which focuses on digital transformation in various sectors. Services provided include application development, IT Training, and Digital Marketing Services.


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How to Cite

Rizdania, R., Riono, S. H., Rakhmawati, P. U., & Darmayanti, R. (2023). Interns: Mentoring and Counseling on the Software Development Process. Jurnal Inovasi Dan Pengembangan Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(1), 22–29.

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