Focus and Scope

Assyifa Learning Journal is the main resource for academics and professionals in the field of learning development around the world. This journal accepts and publishes articles on high-quality empirical research demonstrating whether and how the adoption of educational systems, networks, tools, and learning resources/technology leads to improvements in formal and non-formal education at all levels, from early years to tertiary education, technical and vocational, professional development and corporate training.

Assyifa Learning Journal accepts and publishes articles about learning media which includes Emerging Technologies Media, Integration of Technology in Learning, Development Learning Media, Smart Learning Media, Online Learning Media, Adaptive Learning Media, Mobile Learning Media, Hypermedia in Learning, Interactive Media, Web based-Learning.

Assyifa Learning Journal does not publish purely descriptive papers or which only present the opinions of students, teachers and other users but present the results of development research on methods, materials or technology. Papers were selected for publication on the basis of research rigor and their potential to make a substantive and original contribution to the field, with explicit reference to international significance.

Keywords: Emerging Technologies Media, Integration of Technology in Learning, Development Learning Media, Smart Learning Media, Online Learning Media, Adaptive Learning Media, Mobile Learning Media, Hypermedia in Learning, Interactive Media, Web based-Learning.



Assyfa Learning Journal


CV. Bimbingan Belajar Assyfa
Jambangan II Street No. 60 Purworejo - Pasuruan - Jawa Timur - 67115 Indonesia

Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.