How is exploring social media's potential to promote Islamic understanding in the digital age?


  • Maesaroh Lubis Country of Maesaroh Lubis Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya, Indonesia


Digital Era Learning, Digital Media, Islamic Religious Education, Social Media


In this digital era, a new and adaptive method is necessary for imparting spiritual truths to the younger generation in Islamic religious education. Social media has become an indispensable aspect of the everyday routines of several individuals, particularly the younger demographic. Hence, this study explores the feasibility of utilizing social media platforms to facilitate Islamic religious education in the modern age of technology. The research methodology employed in this study involves conducting a literature review using the 7P technique. The analysis is based on a comprehensive examination of pertinent literature, research papers, articles, theses, dissertations, and conference proceedings at the national and international levels. The focus is on English texts that discuss media usage. Issues about society in the context of Islamic religious education. The literature search focused on the keywords "Social Media" and "Islamic religious education." Subsequently, additional keywords such as "Social Media for Islamic Religious Education" and "digital era" were used. The search was conducted using the Harzing Publish or Perish application, covering 2013 to 2023. Analyzed through a descriptive technique, the gathered data was used to study the potential and constraints of utilizing social media to support Islamic religious learning. The research findings indicate that using social media to facilitate Islamic spiritual education holds much promise in attaining educational objectives. Social media has the potential to enhance student involvement, foster communication between students and teachers, and improve the educational material by using different formats like text, graphics, audio, and video. In addition, social media can serve as a platform for students to engage in discussions, collaborate, and share material about the Islamic religion.


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How to Cite

Lubis, M. (2024). How is exploring social media’s potential to promote Islamic understanding in the digital age?. Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from