Viral Marketing: Mixue the King of Snow Ice Cream—How does this franchise affect the market?


  • Endang Sungkawati Country of Endang Sungkawati Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang, Indonesia
  • Dwi Rizki Novitasari Country of Dwi Rizki Novitasari Yayasan Assyfa Learning Centre (YALC) Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Salah Ben Hamad Country of Salah Ben Hamad Aliraqia University College of Administration and Economics, Iraq


Brand Ice Cream, Mixue, Viral, Viral Marketing


The food and beverage (F&B) industry in Indonesia is experiencing a notable expansion, with an anticipated growth rate of five to seven percent by the conclusion of 2023. The interconnection between these phenomena cannot be disentangled from the shifts in individuals' lifestyles, particularly in urban areas where there is a preference for quick food and beverages. The present study employs a qualitative descriptive research approach, utilizing a literature review methodology. This methodology incorporates information and data collection methodologies sourced from a range of scholarly literature, with a particular emphasis on recent study findings published in journals within the past five years. The present study involved the collecting of data through searches conducted on Google Scholar, Vosviewers, Harzing’s publish, or Perish, utilizing the following keywords: "viral marketing," "ice cream king," "brand," and "Mixue purchases." The findings indicate that viral marketing exerts a favorable and statistically significant impact on both consumer interest and purchasing behavior. In addition, it is worth noting that turbo marketing can exert a clear and substantial influence on consumer buying behavior. Ultimately, the presence of a brand image and brand awareness can exert a favorable and significant influence on consumer buying behavior.


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How to Cite

Sungkawati, E., Novitasari, D. R., & Hamad, S. B. (2023). Viral Marketing: Mixue the King of Snow Ice Cream—How does this franchise affect the market?. Revenue Journal: Management and Entrepreneurship, 1(2).