"RAISE" exploration of science challenges and cultural values improves learning outcomes


  • Rohimi Zamzam Country of Rohimi Zamzam Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Dwi Rizki Novitasari Country of Dwi Rizki Novitasari Yayasan Assyfa Learning Centre (YALC) Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Suharsiwi Suharsiwi Country of Suharsiwi Suharsiwi Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia


East Java local wisdom, E-RAISE Model, Science learning outcomes, 21st Century Education


Environmental literacy is an integral aspect of an individual's character, enabling them to safeguard the environment effectively. This includes not only utilizing it responsibly but also possessing the ability to address and resolve environmental challenges as they develop. Developing proficiency in ecological literacy is a challenging task. Learning necessitates the presence of creativity and innovation. In order to do this, educators must generate educational innovations. Teachers must possess the ability to guide students in the process of constructing knowledge within a specific context and effectively apply that information in real-world situations. The objective of this study is to ascertain the extent to which the E-RAISE learning paradigm enhances academic achievement in scientific education. This study employs a classroom action research methodology, focusing on the students of Class VII at the SMP Foundation Assyfa Learning Center (YALC) Pasuruan during the 2022–2023 academic year. The total number of participants in this research is 21. The study was conducted in two phases. The research included observation and testing methods to gather data on scientific learning results. The research employs a quantitative descriptive statistical analysis strategy for data analysis. The research findings indicate that the mean proportion of students' scientific learning outcomes in both Cycle I and Cycle II falls within the high range. The results suggest that using the E-RAISE learning paradigm, which incorporates local wisdom from East Java, enhances the academic performance of junior high school pupils in science. The article provides a comprehensive explanation of the lesson's description.


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How to Cite

Zamzam, R., Novitasari, D. R., & Suharsiwi, S. (2023). "RAISE" exploration of science challenges and cultural values improves learning outcomes. Assyfa Journal of Multidisciplinary Education, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.61650/ajme.v1i1.356