Exploratory activities for early childhood: Utilizing smartphone technology to enhance early childhood creativity, effective?


  • Erna Budiarti Country of Erna Budiarti Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi, Indonesia


Activities, Creativity, Exploratory, Utilizing smartphone


The inevitability of technological advancement necessitates our acceptance of the global dissemination of information. Consequently, we must embrace technology as a facilitative instrument to enhance the effectiveness of the learning process. Nevertheless, it is essential to note that technology serves as a means to achieve our ultimate objective. Children require stimulus to foster the development of their imagination. One method of encouraging creativity is engaging youngsters in exploratory activities, allowing them to visually perceive, observe, and contemplate the diverse objects they encounter. These technological-based experimental activities for early children allow extensive exploration without physical visits to many locations. This study aimed to comprehensively understand children's exploring abilities in person and through digital media to enhance their creativity. This study employs an experimental research design to gather accurate and representative data on the utilization of smartphone technology in the context of exploratory activities for children. The research is conducted on a group of children from RA Al-Islam Petalabumi, located in the Seberida District of Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province. Infancy. The research findings indicate that smartphone technology can be an efficacious means for educators and parents to facilitate children's exploration of diverse topics of interest. Engaging children in direct investigation of the school environment is an effective way to stimulate their curiosity. This can be followed by guiding them to explore digital-based sources further to enhance their understanding.


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How to Cite

Budiarti, E. (2024). Exploratory activities for early childhood: Utilizing smartphone technology to enhance early childhood creativity, effective?. Assyfa Journal of Multidisciplinary Education, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.61650/ajme.v1i1.355