Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Assyfa Journal of Multidisciplinary Education
					View Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Assyfa Journal of Multidisciplinary Education
Published: 2024-05-22


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  • Characters and Non-Digital Media: Case Study Trends in English Language Learning in Secondary Schools

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  • Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Web (E Learning) Pada Pembelajaran PAI

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  • Tradisi Ngejalong Kubugh Ditinjau Dari Pendekatan Sosiologis Dalam Studi Islam

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  • Hereditas dan Lingkungan Menurut Pendidikan Islam

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The Assyfa Journal of Multidisciplinary Education (known by its Indonesia acronym AJME) is an open access four-monthly CV. Bimbingan Belajar Assyfa Press that publishes research outcomes with significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of the educational processes. AJME not only collects research results from different disciplines and methodological approaches, but also research carried out by interdisciplinary research teams. In this line, disciplinary and interdisciplinary works related to educational research are welcome in areas including education, sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, philosophy, economics, linguistics, geography or political science.

This scientific journal emerges with the need to provide a response to the excessive compartmentalization of scientific knowledge that has traditionally existed in the educational research arena in Indonesia. It aims to be an international space for discussion and critique through the presentation of theoretical and empirical evidences that favor educational equity and the advancement of our societies.

Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous double-blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two anonymous referees.

AJME was published under Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivative License (CC BY NC ND). Hipatia Press journals decided to change the license and use the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) as recommended by the Budapest Open Access Initiative taking into account its commitment with the Open Access movement.